coming soon.


Short Answer? An artist, a musician, a Legenda,

Although there’s a lot more to it.


“If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

About five years ago I picked up a guitar.

I dedicated so much time to this craft. I am so grateful for it.

I’ve grown to value music as much as Visual art.

It’s something I’ve become so passionate about that I can no longer keep it close to the chest.

I need to share it.

I’m nowhere near a master. I still have so much to learn.

But by God I came so far.

My guitar is my shotgun and a paintbrush is a sword.

-Gabriella Ugarkovic

it all starts

finally, i bare my soul

Gabi Téa's Impressionist painting of Preko's Laundresses "Naša Mati" (Our Mother) statue.
Artist Gabriella Ugarkovic AKA GABI TÉA in front of her artwork
Gabriella Ugarkovic AKA GABI TEA's painting, featuring various small paintings including landscapes and a portrait of a woman in the center. A part of GABI TÉA'S "SEQUENCES" art collection.

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